Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

A day in the life of a Growth Consultant at Six & Flow

Written by Lou | 22 July 2019

What’s a growth consultant you ask? Well, at Six & Flow, it means being a part of the inbound marketing team. The role is diverse, big enough for you to sink your teeth into and take complete ownership over and varied enough for you to not get bored and always feel challenged. 


So what’s the day to day like? There are some core parts to the role that you’ll find yourself doing without even thinking about, like creating social plans across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, to working directly with clients on their strategy for social media. What I enjoy most is project work, small bursts of work that run for a shorter period of time but the projects tend to be quite interesting. I also really enjoy the free reign I get over Six & Flow’s social media, it’s also a great way to trial and test out doing things differently before we try them out with clients. 


Aside from social planning, there are elements of the role that include things like campaign building, reporting, content creation, paid media and visual. These different elements sit across all clients, so there is an aspect of each depending on which client is in your ‘pod’ 


The great thing about this role is, it’s always changing and evolving. We get to take on new projects from old and new clients, helping build the agencies repertoire; and the pod structure that we work in means the team has varying strengths that complement others’ weaknesses from design to copywriting to social media and strategy. 


There is always an opportunity to learn and grow in your role at Six and Flow. I’m merely 5 months in and I’m constantly learning about Hubspot, learning about Drift and learning about areas of marketing I’ve had zero exposure to. You’ll also get thrown in at the deep end and take on work you may never have done before, but practice makes perfect.


So, if you’re looking for a role that challenges what you already know, teaches you things you didn’t and helps build upon the knowledge you already have, get in touch and see what roles we have out. We’re a team-first agency, there’s nobody quite like us.