Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Getting infographic with Instagram marketing

Written by Hazel | 01 October 2017

Instagram marketing is something that has been growing since the social platform was hatched in October 2010. Why is Instagram so successful? Well, it’s different and it always has been. You might think it’s adopted some features (such as stories) that make it very samey to other social media platforms out there, but inherently it’s different than any other platform because it’s almost entirely visual.


If you would like to learn more about Social media strategy check out our guide 

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. Make sure your social media management is helping your brand, not damaging it, by reading our post "How to boost your brand reputation with social media management"

Instagram has stuck to its guns in terms of minimal desktop functionality, purely ‘through-the-app’ posting (ignoring a few of those scheduling apps), creating a platform that is as organic as it possibly can be. I’m not talking about the organicness of people’s “perfect pictures” but organic in terms of how they post.

We Are Social Media recently said that “Instagram is the new black”, but hasn’t it been the hottest social media app for some time now? Instagram being one of the best social media platforms (in my opinion) isn’t anything new - however, their ability to constantly innovate, bring out new features and keep growing at an increasing rate is something to be applauded.



You really don't need to be on every social media platform 

We’ve banged on about this quite a bit before, but if your company doesn't have an Instagram marketing strategy, why not? Instagram is one of the best platforms out there for brands, with 70% of users having searched for a brand on there.

Sure, Instagram might not suit some companies, and that’s fine, you don’t have to be on there. Some social media marketers might believe their company should be on every single social media platform known to man, but they really shouldn’t. What relevance does your Dad’s hoovering business have to SnapChat users? Probably not a lot, based on the demographics of its users.

Sure, its really important to give your brand a personality, but find a platform that suits the needs of your business. Instagram might not be the best place to talk about the specific litigation your accountancy firm performs, for instance, but it is a great place to showcase the “personality” of your firm. By documenting the team, things going on in the office, trips and meetings you’ve attended, you can attract future employees and show prospects how great your team are.

For Six & Flow, we've perfected an Instagram marketing campaign that works for us. We occasionally talk about what we do, but if you look at our feed it’s mostly pictures of us, our many dogs, the places we go and a bit of social media shaming (it’s character building!)



To celebrate Instagram’s seventh birthday, we’ve put together an infographic full of Instagram marketing tips, with stats provided by the aforementioned We Are Social Media, one of our go-to places for social media news.


There's a load more facts over at We Are Social Media to check out, so we've just picked out our favourites. If all of this overwhelms you, or you really don't have the time to design and implement your own Instagram marketing plan, we're more than happy to take it off your hands. 

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. Make sure your social media management is helping your brand, not damaging it, by reading our post "How to boost your brand reputation with social media management"