Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

HubSpot CMS Hub: What's the fuss about?

Written by Chris | 03 May 2020


You may have heard that HubSpot has released its latest Hub - the CMS Hub.

No? Where've you been?

Yes, HubSpot has now taken what was essentially an add-on which helped you manage your website's content, and put it on the same level as its existing Marketing, Sales and Service Hubs.

If you've been managing your website on HubSpot for a while, or have been thinking about it but haven't made the jump, don't underestimate how significant (dare we say, cool) this announcement is.

HubSpot's CMS Hub is going to greatly change how you build and manage the content on your website.

It's not only going to make it easier for you to manage, it's going to make it easier for you to create more targeted, conversational and effective content that will improve your SEO and get you found online, but also increases your ability to test content to create a truly optimised site for your prospects.

In this blog, we've highlighted a few features that we think you'll find particularly useful.

Just as a side note. The CMS Hub is available in two tiers (Professional and Enterprise) and some of the features we mention here are only available on Enterprise. For those, we'll tell you if they're only available on the higher level.

At the end we'll also give you a quick run down of both tiers so you get an idea which level Hub might be right for you.


Website themes, page creation and management tools

Say goodbye to those days when you had to ask a HubSpot developer to help you edit a module or make changes to a template.

And remember those jittery moments when you were trying to make changes and didn't know if you were going to end up with different looking logos on different pages and the hassle of trying to match styles?

Well, they're now behind you too.

With the introduction of website themes HubSpot have made it possible for developers to customise entire themes, which can be easily edited - site wide - by marketers.

Whether they build a theme from scratch or use one of HubSpot's pre-built themes, marketers will now be able to make large changes to their website content without the need of developers and CSS files.

Alongside this, HubSpot CMS's new web page creation and management tools allow developers to create pages with a drag and drop editing capability. Imagine how easier it's going to be to turn around pages with that.

For what it's worth, this drag and drop editor is one of our favourite new features.


Multi-language content management

If you've ever tried to manage a website's content over multiple languages, it's probably not necessary to explain why this is such a game changer. With HubSpot CMS Hub you'll now be able to manage and optimise a multi-language site directly in HubSpot.

You won't have to worry about SEO across borders because HubSpot has grouped language variations with their primary language page. So, for instance, if you have a Spanish language site but your primary language page is English, your Spanish language page will benefit from SEO improvements to your English page automatically.


Content Partitioning

This is one of the features only available on Enterprise, but it is going to be an incredibly useful function.

Content partitioning allows you to use team permissions to give teams access only to the content that is important to them.

In a world where sales enablement is becoming more important, you could have your sales team have access to the content that is just useful to them - rather than diving into all your content to find what they need.


Dynamic Page Testing

Your website isn't a static tool. It needs to grow and change and adapt all the time and you need to keep testing and optimising to make sure it is working properly for you.

With HubSpot CMS Hub - again this one is only on Enterprise - dynamic page testing means you can choose up to five different versions of a page to test against each other, and get insights into what content is working and optimise your site around it.

This is way more effective and efficient than the standard A/B testing we all do.

Plus, HubSpot continuously tests each version of your page differences and gives you the performance data.


The "full CRM package"

Ok, this is a bit of a generalisation but we can't overstate how important this new CMS Hub is going to be for more easily keeping track of how visitors to your site engage with your content and help you figure out how to tailor messages and optimise designs based on how users use your site.

Whether it's the SEO recommendations and integrations with Google Search Console and the Content Strategy tools, the drag and drop editing and templates or lead capturing, HubSpot CMS Hub is going to take your website development and management to the next level.


Professional vs Enterprise

So, as we've said. Like HubSpot's other Hubs, the CMS Hub comes with multiple tiers - Professional and Enterprise.

Professional comes with most of the features we've mentioned above, as well as:

  • Local Website Development
  • A Developer Community
  • Dynamic content


Enterprise comes with with everything we've mentioned so far, along with:

  • Multi-Domains
  • Site Performance Reporting and API
  • Serverless Functions
  • CMS Memberships
  • Code Alerts

Plus more.


As we've also mentioned, HubSpot has stayed true to its "all in one" platform philosophy and both iterations of HubSpot CMS Hub integrate with the existing Marketing, Sales and Service Hubs.


Obviously, having the right CMS is just one part of getting your inbound marketing firing. Download our free guide to Inbound Marketing Strategy here.