Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Andy's first week at Six & Flow

Written by Andy | 19 September 2019

Well, that's my first week in inbound marketing at Six & Flow finished. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely. Not only is my new snazzy city centre office full of helpful, friendly people, but in only five days they've managed to convince me - a lifelong Apple cynic - about the benefits of using a Mac over Microsoft. Sorry, Bill, we had a good run. No hard feelings.

My own journey to inbound marketing hasn't been straightforward. After nearly a decade spent working in recruitment (do I get a medal for that. I feel like I should?) I returned to university to get a couple of degrees in English (mainly because aged eighteen when I should have been elbow deep in university books, I was actually elbow-deep in horse manure as a Trooper in the Household Cavalry). 

I decided I wanted to join Six & Flow after realising a career in inbound would be the perfect way I could channel my agency experience while making the most of my new English degrees. Although, I should point out that even if I wasn't already on board with the concept of inbound marketing and Six & Flow's playful company culture, I was certainly sold when the Ops Manager Sarah brought her new puppy and regular office dog into my final interview.

Being new to inbound, my first week has certainly been hectic (but in a good way). Not only have I had to learn how customer-focused inbound marketing differs from its more traditional profit-oriented outbound counterpart, but I've also had to quickly grasp a whole new industry language, a new suite of marketing tools, and the HubSpot platform itself. 

Luckily, Six & Flow is full of people who understand starting a new career in inbound isn't easy, meaning my first day was pretty much spent drinking coffee and getting to know the office. But they did let me jump on a client video call (at my request and albeit it very much in the background) so I could start to understand how Six & Flow relate to their customer base.

Day two began with a scrum (the office, not the rugby sort) with my new colleagues discussing how the various social media, blogging, and reporting tasks for clients were to be conducted that day. This was a great insight into just how varied my new role would be as it became immediately obvious each team member is encouraged to perform multiple functions for multiple clients. (Oh, and I also got taken for lunch, which is always a great way to start a new job).

Day three was all about social as I was given training on a key client's social media strategy in which I learnt the importance of using the correct voice and tone for this particular brand; they even let me write a few tweets of my own (three days in and I'm already an influencer!).

Day four started with a visit to our swish new offices (although I think it's all still semi-secret, so I can't say too much). In addition, I was also given time to continue becoming Hubspot certified through the online courses available at Hubspot Academy (a must for anyone wanting to get the most out of the platform). 

Day five? More morning scrums, more work around social media strategy, a spot of blog writing, and the completion of two more Hubspot certifications. But it wasn't all work, we did stop late afternoon for some well-deserved office beers.

I'm looking forward to week two already...

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