Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Using a Paid Social Media Strategy to Achieve Consensual Advertising

Written by Adam | 15 November 2016

Let’s face it - interacting with someone without their consent is a huge violation of trust and boundaries. So why should your paid social media strategy operate any differently?

High net worth leads are as active – possibly even more-so – than your average internet user. Especially younger, millennial success stories; they communicate through social media and use search engines to discover new opportunities, too. So, if you want to find them then you need to check out our blog “3 secrets to high net worth lead generation”

Well, we don't think it should. In fact, important new legislation is being introduced in spring 2017. This will mean that company directors will be held personally responsible for any infringements to privacy laws.

So how can you ensure consent before you call a lead? Seems tricky, but that’s where a good paid social media strategy comes in.

So what’s going on?

Have you ever been called by a firm asking you if you’ve been in a road accident recently? When you told them “I don’t own a car mate, how did you get my phone number?” did they hang up? Yep, thought so. People get rogue calls every day, and it’s bloody annoying!

Some companies still think it’s the 80s and that they can disregard data protection regulations and opt outs. The issue is further compounded when company directors are able to dodge fines and set up a new company. But now, consumer’s rogue company bosses could face fines of up to £500,000 if their firm is behind nuisance phone calls. This is under a government move clamping down on the problem.

From spring 2017, a change in the law will mean directors will be held personally responsible and both they and their companies can be fined, facing combined penalties of up to £1m.

Achieving consent in a paid social media strategy

So how do you get consent before you even know who you are speaking to?

In normal life, people don’t wear green and red stickers like those god awful traffic light parties. This means you need to be slightly more nuanced in how you approach consumers.

A good paid social media strategy will have a strong persona build which will interest and engage the target audience. Once a prospective consumer has clicked on your ads, you need to ensure you have qualifying questions and a statement of intent sitting clearly on your page.

Qualifying questions are a useful tool for quality control, especially when using Facebook lead generation ads. By adding in two simple questions, “are you aiming to purchase?” and “what time would suit you for a call?” you have identified the intent of the consumer, gained initial consent for a call and established the best time for contact is.

To go a step further, if you have lead scoring or a similar method of quality assessment in place, you can use these questions to ensure that only the best leads reach your sales team.

Not only does this cover you for compliance, but you also normally see higher contact rates. You may say that this kills the UX process, but a good designer will know that UX needs to be simple to complete but not too simple to become redundant. By adding in this simple step you are weeding out people who don’t want a call, which will improve your contact rates and save your team time.

So how do you avoid the fines?

We deal with data and lead generation on a daily basis. Our strongest piece of advice is to just be as honest and transparent as possible with consumers. Let them know how you are interacting with them, when you aim to do so, and how. This is not only to stay compliant with UK and EU laws. It’s also for the benefit of your customers and your team - not to mention your company’s reputation!

When we previously mentioned the impending changes to EU data laws, we said it may lead to the death of the call centre. We still firmly believe that could happen - if you run an outbound call centre with no regard for consumers and the law, that is.

Perfecting your paid social media strategy

We know you don’t want to be trapped in the 80s and caught with a massive fine. So what’s your plan B? A strong paid social campaign, well thought-out and executed by an expert team, can encourage consumers to share their contact details in unique creative ways.

High net worth leads are as active – possibly even more-so – than your average internet user. Especially younger, millennial success stories; they communicate through social media and use search engines to discover new opportunities, too. So, if you want to find them then you need to check out our blog “3 secrets to high net worth lead generation”