Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

HubSpot CRM Powered Marketing

Written by Sarah | 07 March 2022

Harness the power of your CRM to put your customer at the heart of your business and your marketing strategy. 

HubSpot’s customer-centric CRM enables customers to build more authentic relationships with your brand. Customers/leads read more relevant content, sparking more meaningful conversations, and in turn, receive more delightful and personalised experiences. 

The marketers who get ahead today are hyper-focused on the customer experience. Experience-driven marketing puts your customers at the center of everything you do as a marketer and helps drive engagement with your audience.



It's a major reason why HubSpot has adopted the flywheel. When focused on the customer experience, marketing attracts and feeds into sales. Sales engages and feeds into service. Service delights and feeds back into marketing. And all of this is only possible when the customer is at the center, managed by a CRM. Using your CRM to further power a more personalised marketing experience will drive up engagement and relevance for the people you are speaking to.


So, how do you build a customer-first experience using HubSpot CRM?


1. Give your team a unified view of the customer experience

Very few marketers have all of their tools and tactics tightly integrated into a CRM -- which often leads to disjointed customer experiences, siloed data, and an inability to know what's working - and what isn’t. 

When your marketing tools are fully integrated with the CRM, your team is aware of each customer interaction, throughout their buyer journey. In the end, you can create truly personalized experiences across all channels, and properly measure your success as a marketer.


2. Use personalised marketing offers

While many people believe using the first name in an email is successful personalisation, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Successful marketing builds authentic relationships. It enables the customer to feel as though your brand is speaking to them and their unique problems. What are some of the ways you can use HubSpot CRM to personalize your marketing?

  • Introduce smart CTA’s to showcase content a visitor has not seen yet 
  • Offer content that speaks to their direct set of inferred needs. 
  • Create one-to-one conversations using chatbots & have your customer service representative have a complete picture of the customer’s needs.
  • Share offers that are event-triggered or behaviour-driven
  • Use your CRM data to trigger personalised content on landing pages and emails.


An example of this would be using the Lifecycle stage such as customer, to share customer support CTAs and then showing prospects a CTA to contact us. 

Modern personalisation means sending relevant messaging in a timely fashion using the right language, tone and subject matter. 


3. Build an around-the-clock communication plan 

HubSpot’s CRM empowers you to build a relationship with your customers. The day they sign up for your product or make their first purchase should not be the last day they hear from you. 

A relationship must be nurtured. You have to earn the trust of your customers. And that takes time and requires meaningful conversations to occur. 

With HubSpot’s CRM, you can use automation to send seasonal offers, deliver relevant content, and send emails that will support, help or guide customers long after the deal has closed.


4. Embrace Omnichannel 

Customers use a range of offline and online channels. HubSpot’s CRM helps your business seamlessly operate across channels. The goal is to show customers that you are on the same platforms that they are. 

By having your data in a centralised location, you can track how the customer interacts with your brand across different channels. You can see how their behaviour changes and easily showcase unique content. You can also use this approach to centralise communications and ensure information is passed between teams so that customers don’t feel like they have to keep giving each team the same information.

With HubSpot CRM, your business can obtain a real-time view of customer activity across multiple channels and provide a truly customer-centric experience. 


5. Triggers for timely communication

Use time-based triggers and activity information to send out timely, focused communication that will support a user wherever they are in the buyer’s journey.

Examples of some time-based triggers you can use:

  • Page tracking: Provide individual recommendations by knowing which pages a contact has visited. 
  • Deal stages: Trigger customised bots on pages to help drive sales.
  • Known dates: Trigger personal messaging based on specific dates. 
  • Workflows: Delay communication until a contact responds/performs an action.


Looking to accelerate growth, spin the flywheel faster and engage with your audience in a more real way? Learn why HubSpot is the #1 CRM solution for your business.