Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

What this Inbound Marketing Agency will be attending at Inbound 2016

Written by Hazel | 01 November 2016

Exactly one week from today half of our team will have landed in Boston for Inbound 2016, which means exactly one week from today we’ll be tucking into delicious lobster rolls, drinking Sam Adams, learning some cool shit and flying the flag for our Manchester inbound marketing agency.

Working with a HubSpot partner agency can complement the technical side of the HubSpot software and introduce a hugely-effective inbound marketing campaign that can take your business to the next level of growth. If you would like more information, read our blog "How working with a HubSpot partner agency helps brands grow."

This year we’ve been grafting hard to make our way up to HubSpot Gold Partner status, a partnership we’re particularly proud of. Why are we proud? We don’t mean to brownnose but we feel HubSpot is the best marketing platform out there, and we’ve tried a lot of them.

Last year, our Managing Director and Founder of Six & Flow, Richard Wood, attended Inbound by his lonesome. At that point, Six & Flow was a newly established startup inbound marketing agency. One year on, and the story couldn’t be more different, Six & Flow has more than quadrupled in size, and this year four of our team are lucky enough to be jetting off to Boston to attend the prestigious marketing conference.

Are we excited about Inbound 2016? That’s a bit of a stupid question, especially if you follow us on Twitter. Of course we’re excited, some of the Biggest Names In Marketing (BNIM) will be in attendance, and with keynotes from Alec Baldwin to Anna Kendrick, spotlight talks with the guys behind Making a Murderer and our favourite tennis gal Serena Williams, we’re finding it very hard not to fangirl/boy about #Inbound16. Plus, we heard that lunch is included, and the food in America is a coronary inducing slice of heaven we’re onside with...

Below we’ve handpicked a selection of the seminars we’ll be attending in Boston:

13 Things to Stop, Start, or Keep Doing (Only Better) with Your Email
with Tom Monaghan, postmaster and director of email engineering at HubSpot

The average person gets 121 emails a day, so how do you ensure that your email gets opened in a sea of ASOS and Groupon offers? Well, a catchy subject line helps, but unfortunately there’s more to it than that.

If you work with email marketing, you’ll know a multitude of factors can affect your open and click through rates, and when you’ve spent hours carefully crafting your content, this can be a little disheartening.

This is why we’re looking forward to attending Tom Monoghan’s seminar, we’re hoping for some insider information to get our HubSpot emails up to scratch.

Using Video to do better Marketing with HubSpot
with Kristen Craft, Wistia

According to Social Media Today, videos have 135% greater organic reach than photo posts on Facebook, which explains why comedy outlets such as The Lad Bible and Pretty 52 get so many likes (it also helps that they are hilarious).

In this session Kristen will cover how using HubSpot and Wistia’s video marketing platform together, gets the right content to the right people throughout the buyer’s journey.  We’ll be bringing our 360 camera along with us for this one…

Spotlight with the directors of Making a Murderer
with Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos

Making a Murderer took the world by storm when the first episode aired on Netflix in December 2015. If you’ve not heard of Making a Murderer, you definitely should have. The highly controversial documentary is coming back for a second series, and we’re excited to find out what the brains behind Making a Murderer have got to say about the case and what made the public so enthralled with it.

How to Swear in Your Fucking Marketing
with Doug Kessler, Velocity

If you’re an avid reader of our blogs, you’ll probably have noticed that we occasionally swear in them. Why not? People swear in everyday conversation, TV, books, films – swearing is everywhere. Doug Kessler questions “what is it about marketing that excludes swearing from this normal part of speech?”. Marketing is all about connecting and engaging with an audience, this doesn’t mean that swearing is the way to do this, but getting on the same level as someone certainly helps you connect to them. Marketing doesn’t have to be dry and corporate, in order to engage you have to have some fun.

Not a fan of expletives? This session isn’t solely about swearing, it includes the nature of language and taboo; the limits of brand; and the impact of breaking the ‘rules’ of marketing. We’ll see you there.

Keynote with Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah
Co-founders of Hubspot

At the beginning of our blog we were brownnosing HubSpot quite a lot, that’s because it’s bloody great, and we’ve got these guys to thank for it.

HubSpot is 10, I can’t remember much about 2006 as I was still in school eating 10p mixes (sorry), but for the marketing veterans out there, 10 years of HubSpot is a pretty exciting thing (it’s exciting for non veterans too).

Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah share their insight into the landscape of sales, marketing and connecting with customers. Technology is changing almost daily, last week we bid farewell to VINE, which shows that staying at the top of your game and being relevant is more important than ever.

Help a UK HubSpot partner out

Attending Inbound next week? We’d love to hear any insider tips from returning visitors or local residents. If you’re headed to Inbound16 too, why not give us a shout, we’d love to meet for a coffee. And maybe some help with directions.

Alternatively, if you’re currently located across the pond (UK side) and are on the search for an inbound marketing agency and UK HubSpot partner (we’re both), get in touch to hear about our marketing magic.

Working with a HubSpot partner agency can complement the technical side of the HubSpot software and introduce a hugely-effective inbound marketing campaign that can take your business to the next level of growth. If you would like more information, read our blog "How working with a HubSpot partner agency helps brands grow."