Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

An apprentice at an Inbound Marketing Agency in Manchester

Written by Rose | 31 October 2016

Hello I’m Rose, the newest and youngest member of the Manchester marketing agency, Six & Flow. As I’m writing this, I’ve just completed my first week with the inbound marketing agency in Manchester!

Working at Six & Flow is completely different from anything else I’ve experienced before. My previous experience spawns from ‘The Juice Academy’, a social media apprentice agency, where apprentices get placed with different companies across the North West.

‘The Juice Academy’ is the UK’s first industry led social media apprenticeship, and businesses flock there to choose their very own apprentice. Six & Flow did just this, and their marketing manager, Alice, attended the boot camp and luckily picked me to be their future social media guru.

Working with a HubSpot partner agency can complement the technical side of the HubSpot software and introduce a hugely-effective inbound marketing campaign that can take your business to the next level of growth. If you would like more information, read our blog "How working with a HubSpot partner agency helps brands grow."

How I got to work at an inbound marketing agency in Manchester

During ‘The Juice Academy’ boot camp day, we were set three tasks, the first task comprised of presenting our personal profile in front of the judges, which if you’re not used to public speaking, was a little scary!

For the second task we were split into groups and tasked with creating a Vine advertising ‘The Juice Academy’, which was again presented to the judges.

The final task of the day was a little bit like speed dating, where you have three minutes to sell yourself to each judge.

Once all the tasks were completed, the potential apprentices were seated together in a room and had to wait until the judges made their final decisions. As you can imagine, this was pretty terrifying and felt a little like the X Factor esque, no one wanted to go home without a job. However, the worst part of the day quickly turned out to be my favourite part of the day, when I eventually got selected by Six & Flow! 

Working for Six & Flow

I found out I was an apprentice for Six & Flow on the Thursday and started working for them the following Monday. I had no idea what to expect. The kind of thoughts that were going through my head were, what’s the office going to look like? Am I going to get on with the rest of the team? How will I know what to do? What if they don’t help me?

I am happy to tell you that I get on with all of the team and they are extremely welcoming. On my first day we went for a team lunch, which was a great way of getting to know more the Six & Flow team.

Over the past week the main thing I am getting used to is all the different types of inbound marketing programmes and channels that Six & Flow use. I feel like I have got the hang of the majority of them now, although HubSpot is a complicated beast that I’m learning more and more about each day!

Since starting, the thing I have enjoyed most is getting to know the team, the atmosphere in the office is very friendly and everyone has a joke with one another (but still works very hard!).

I’ve enjoyed how much they've let me get stuck into my role from the start. Even though my role is a social media apprentice, I didn’t think I would be allowed this much freedom from the word go.

On the first day I was changing around Pinterest boards and throughout the week I have been drafting tweets which I have been taught to schedule and tweet through Hootsuite and HubSpot. I know its only been a week but I get up in the morning and look forward to go into work, I’m excited to find out what I and the company are going to be doing at the start of the day and I can tell I am going to feel like this for the rest of my time with Six & Flow, I’m very happy that this Manchester inbound marketing agency chose me to be their apprentice!

I’ll be writing weekly blogs about my time at Six and Flow, don’t forget to check out what I’ve been up to and what I’ve learnt next week!

Working with a HubSpot partner agency can complement the technical side of the HubSpot software and introduce a hugely-effective inbound marketing campaign that can take your business to the next level of growth. If you would like more information, read our blog "How working with a HubSpot partner agency helps brands grow."