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Does influencer marketing work? These five facts don't lie

Written by Tom | 02 October 2017

What's the first thing that springs to mind when influencer marketing is mentioned? Perhaps it's D-list celebrities promoting products they know very little about or simply don't use. We've all seen "Insta models" promoting some sort of tea they attribute their great bums and flat tums to (despite having both of these long before the product launched!)

Just the other day, I read that Instagram users with over 10,000 followers can literally register on a website that companies then use to source and approach social influencers.

This, however, is not what true influencer marketing is all about. A real influencer isn't a Kardashian with a billion followers, who advocates a brand of vodka they don't drink. Instead, an influencer is someone who is passionate about their industry, has extensive knowledge, and understands what is best for the businesses and people that follow them. More than this, they can be trusted to only promote products or services that they believe in, regardless of financial temptations. 

An influencer marketing strategy could make all the difference to your brand's reach. Attract the right audience by working with influential individuals in your industry. To learn more, read our blog'How can influencer marketing help to grow your business?'

Source: Boyfriends of Insta

The true power of an influencer marketing strategy

It's hard to argue against the relevance and power key influencer marketing can have within pretty much any industry. But, if you're still not sure, here are five facts to prove it.

Fact 1

82% of consumers claim they are "highly likely" to follow a recommendation made by a micro influencer, according to influencer platform Experticity. 

Let's say you're looking to make a new purchase. You have a few options in mind, and then a blogger you follow writes a piece about the exact thingamajig you were considering. There is a strong chance you'll listen to what they have to say - I know I would.

Fact 2

Micro influencer marketing can offer as much as $7 returned on every $1 spent, Burst Media recently reported. The exact figure can vary massively depending on your business sector, but you shouldn't look past it when deciding on a marketing strategy. ROI should always be a factor when it comes to deciding where your marketing budget goes.

Fact 3

Two-thirds of marketers repurpose influencer content in some way or another, according to influencer marketing platform Linqia. This can be done across organic social channels, paid social campaigns, website content and even email sends.

Re-using content that your micro-influencers create is the perfect way to get the most out your budget. Getting the biggest possible payoff from your content is crucial, and reshaping, repurposing, and repackaging are all great ways to get more bang for your buck.

Fact 4

Reportedly, 55% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budget next year. Influence 2.0: The Future of Influencer Marketing is based on a survey of over 100 marketers from brands such as Microsoft, American Express and Amazon Web Services. Influencer marketing is obviously getting traction for lots of big brands, so hopefully you don't miss out on this trend. 

Fact 5

Sharing your content through influencers in your industry increases conversion by at least a 3x-10x higher rate, according to the Content Marketing Institute. Recommendations from people who don't work directly for the company naturally hold more credit. 

You may be surprised at just how much conversion rates increase when an influencer is thrown into the mix. Micro influencers themselves have also explained a preference for companies and brands closely aligned with their own principles and morals, rather than one simply offering a big pay check. For this reason, their opinions hold some real credit.

Tempted by these influencer marketing stats?

No one is saying that after reading this blog, you need to jump into bed with the nearest micro influencer in your industry for fear of missing the boat. Like any decision, you need to weigh up all your options, and deduce whether this is something you could really benefit from. However, we think that the facts presented here should encourage you to take a look.

An influencer marketing strategy could make all the difference to your brand's reach. Attract the right audience by working with influential individuals in your industry. To learn more, read our blog'How can influencer marketing help to grow your business?'