Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Growing a business? Growth marketing fixes these 4 problems

Written by Rich | 12 July 2017

We position ourselves as a growth marketing agency, not a digital marketing agency. Wondering why?

Every prospective client we meet is unique in some way. As businesses, we all strive to differentiate. Our USPs, our values, our products... we're positioning ourselves to be a better option than the competition. 

What isn't often different though, is the problems faced by each of our potential new clients. Typically, each one has the same overarching goal of generating at least more, if not new, business. In other words, growth.

Growing your revenues, the money coming into your business, it's a core focus for most of us. When we start to break that goal down, it typically splits out into four main areas or themes. These are the areas we can help with growth marketing.

We’ve worked with brands to deliver bespoke inbound strategies across a variety of channels, helping them to identify and attract the people who matter most to their growth ambitions. Read our blog 'lessons from an inbound marketing agency' to learn more.


1. Lead generation

This is, without a doubt, the number one issue that new clients and prospects present to us. Lead generation is key to sales. Your team (assuming you have a sales team) need people to sell to. With changing data laws, shifting consumer mindsets and dwindling buyer attentions spans, that which once worked now just doesn’t deliver the same results.

The data-driven nature of a growth marketing strategy provides the perfect antidote to this problem. In fact, inbound marketing can drive significant growth, not only in lead volume but in the overall sales numbers.

Read more: Our guide to inbound lead generation


2. Lead quality

Quality is paramount. Volume is not.

Yes, there needs to volume to support the quality, however, the cost of poor or low quality leads extends far further than just the cost of obtaining the lead. Once the data is acquired, there’s a cost involved to service or contact that lead.

Your sales team spends time researching the lead (hopefully), attempting to contact them and potentially speaking with a poor fit prospect. It’s wasted time, which equates to wasted money.

Not only that, but a day or two of out and out rejection can be demoralising for your sales team. Make them love you by putting them in front of in-market, actively searching and nurtured leads.

If you deliver high quality leads, your sales team will have more quality conversations and less leads will be needed to satisfy your quotas.

Growth marketing focuses on the full funnel, and enables you to look at the marketing and sales process from beginning to end. Are your incoming leads actually converting to sales?

Read more: Make your sales team love you with inbound leads


3. Marketing automation or sales enablement

Time is always an issue. If there was more of it, we would be able to do more, make more, sell more – or so the theory goes. One of the things that excites us most as a growth marketing agency is showing clients how we can help them with a little automation.

Every sales team, marketing team and admin team has several (if not hundreds) of processes that they repeat, day in, day out. You'd be surprised at the things we can automate, taking monotonous tasks off your hands.

From admin work like invoicing, to marketing and sales tasks like nurturing new prospects, there are so many options. Automation not only gives you more time, but also provides a level of consistency and quality control.

And let's be honest... who likes doing the repetitive stuff?

Read more: 8 things we automate in our own sales process


4. Lack of integration

With all the channels, tools, stats and KPIs we have to monitor as a marketing agency on a daily basis, it could easily get very difficult, very quickly. Most of our clients come to us using multiple tools, cobbled together to suit their purpose. What they really need, though, is a single platform and a process to bring it all together.

As part of our growth marketing stack and as a HubSpot Partner agency, we offer clients that ability. You can ditch nearly all of the other tools, apps and spreadsheets in favour of a clear dashboard that neatly integrates all of your sales and marketing activity.

What's truly great about that? When you look at a growth marketing campaign, your continual testing and striving for improvement is all trackable and easily actionable.

Read more: Our guide to growth marketing strategy


Talk to a growth marketing agency

Growth marketing is about more than just driving in lead volume. For us, it's about helping you grow as a business, bringing your sales and marketing teams onto the same page and pulling in the same direction.