Strategic Go-To-Market Blog | Six & Flow

Why create an inbound marketing strategy for Valentines Day?

Written by Alice | 10 February 2017
Valentines Day is a dream... for lovestruck teenagers, smitten couples and marketers. No, we're not bitter, honestly. However, as the 14th of February approaches, we've taken a slightly alternative approach to Cupid's big day. Here's a quick look at how brands can include Valentines Day in their inbound marketing strategy.

A Valentines shopping bonanza

Get set for shopping this weekend! Many Brits will be beginning their Valentine's Day shopping tomorrow, although we imagine quite a few will leave it till next Wednesday and then have a bit of a panic.

Whether you're treating your loved one to flowers and chocolates, taking them to a restaurant or even a romantic weekend getaway, Valentines Day can signal a big spending rush for certain sectors. Just take a look at our infographic below, lovingly made by our marketing exectuive Sophie.


How can your brand benefit?

Just take a look at that last statistic - nearly one in 20 people completely forget about Valentines Day altogether. And you don't want your prospective customers sweating over the last wilting bouquet in the local petrol station, do you? No, I didn't think so. Inbound marketing is about sharing useful and timely information that makes your audience's life easier. This could include sending out some subtle reminders to your mailing list, suggesting some Valentine's Day gifts their other half will love. You could also take the opportunity to make a real statement and build your brand identity. For instance,  Lush and Hallmark both featured same-sex couples in their advertising campaigns this year. In a sea of tired, traditional marketing, these  non-heteronormative ads are a breath of fresh air. After all, "love is love," as DC Comics is perpetuating in its latest work.

Fall head over heels for a Manchester inbound marketing agency

The times are changing, outbound is outdated and in some cases, can be potentially dangerous for your brand financially and in a reputational sense. Big fines are being handed out to serial data offenders. With inbound you can avoid this and get the best from your leads so read our blog "How to create Inbound Strategy Masterclass" for more information."